Vitamins & Herbal Supplements
Books & Continued Learning
Tools For Lifestyle Wellness
Vitamins & Herbal Supplements
Enjoy 20% off every purchase you make of Wellevate’s nutritional and restorative vitamins and herbal supplements. The following are my most recommended remedies to patients.
Get help reducing your stress hormone production!
· Feeling the pandemic blues?
· Holding on to the "Quarantine 15"?
Contains: Ashwagandha, an ancient medicinal herb that may help reduce stress, anxiety and depression (a leading cause of weight gain)
Books & Continued Learning
Enjoy my favorite books and audio resources for extending your knowledge of East Asian Medicine and holistic wellness. Feeling frustrated that you don’t have all the answers? Start your path towards understandings today with a good read.
Between heaven & Earth
The Egoscue Method of Health through Motion
Nourishing Traditions
The Master Cleanse
The First 40 Days
Painfree at Your PC
The Web That Has No Weaver
Acupressure and Acupuncture During Birth
Wellness Lifestyle
My favorite products for incorporating holistic wellness practices into all aspects of life. From the food you eat to the hobbies you engage in, you too can harness the power of natural medicine in your daily habits.
Mud/Wtr Coffee Alternative Starter Kit
Mud/Wtr Coffee Alternative Monthly Subscription
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